Facts About Red Meat

In general, culinary and nutrition experts divide the meat into two major groups, namely red meat and white meat.

Red meat is a type of red meat when uncooked. Cows, buffalo, goats, sheep and pigs are family members of the red meat.
White meat is white meat when uncooked. Poultry such as chicken, duck and turkey are members.
Impact on health. The two families of meat, meat merahlah which often blamed for a variety of diseases. Starting from high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and cancer. Even in 2007, the World Cancer Research Fund stated that red meat is a cause of colon cancer. According to the researchers, this is because the content of carcinogens (cancer triggers) that arise during the process of cooking meat. So if consumed in large amounts may increase the risk of cancer-especially colon cancer.
Right portion. To that end, the World Cancer Research Fund adding the appropriate portion of the consumption of red meat in order not to interfere with health. The researchers suggest that the amount consumed is limited to 70 grams per day.
The benefits of red meat.

Red meat is also rich in nutrients that are good for health. One is a protein. Red meat is a source of high quality protein. Protein is useful to rebuild the damaged cells in the body and forming substances such as enzymes regulating.
Red meat is also rich in vitamin B and D. The vitamin B family members that is widely available in red meat is B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B12 (cobalamin).
There are also zinc and selenium which is an important source of nutrients for the immune system. In fact, your body can absorb zinc from red meat is much better than those derived from plants.
Besides fish, red meat is also a food that is rich in Omega 3. These compounds are important to help the function of the heart, liver and central nervous system.
Fat in red meat. Concerns of many people about the fat content of red meat is not entirely wrong. But the fat content of saturated fat and fat-both jenuh- not on any kind of meat is different. It relies on the feeding and breeding of livestock. The experts found that beef comes from cows eating grass-fed cattle have low saturated fat content and levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA may help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and increase your muscle growth. Therefore, this type of meat is a good option for those who are on a diet.

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