These 7 Interesting Facts about Mona Lisa

Paintings by Leonardo Da Vinci is a concern of many people, and even become a source of debate for centuries.

In addition to the typical smile, what you also know other interesting facts about the Mona Lisa?

Citing Boldsky, there are seven interesting facts about this long-haired woman.

1. The name Mona Lisa is actually derived from spelling errors.

The original name was Monna Lisa painting. Monna in Italian is a shortened form of the Madonna which means 'My Lady'.

2. Who was the woman in the painting is still a mystery.

Some people believe it is the women's Leonardo Da Vinci himself.

The most popular belief that the woman is Lisa Gherardini, 24 years old, a mother of two boys.

3. This painting has imperfections. In 1956, a man named Ugo Ungaza throwing stones at the painting.

This resulted in a small patch of damaged paint on his left elbow.

4. This painting is considered priceless and so can not be insured.

5. The woman in the painting does not have eyebrows. It is rumored because when the authorities tried to restore the painting, eyebrow accidentally deleted.

However, some people believe that Leonardo Da Vinci never finish painting it because he is a perfectionist perfect.

6. This painting is stored in its own space. This is to prevent climate change is uncertain and encased bullet-proof glass.

The room was built specifically and museums spent more than seven million dollars.

7. Research shows that there are three different layers before painting like this version appeared and became famous.

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