6 Damage Valentine's Day

Many people will remember Valentine's Day (English: Valentine's Day). The day is celebrated as a manifestation of one's love. Embodiment not only for a young couple who are in love. However, the day has a wider meaning. Among affection among others, the husband-wife, parent-child, siblings and others. So-called Valentine's Day is also the day of love.
Ancestor Valentine's Day

Actually there are many versions of the spread regarding the origin of Valentine's Day. However, in general, most people know about the history of events that began when the ancient Romans commemorate a great day every February 15 called Lupercalia. The celebration of Lupercalia was a series of purification ceremonies in ancient Roman times (13 to 18 February). The first two days, dedicated to the goddess of love (queen of feverish love) Juno Februata. On this day, the youth draw the names of the girl in the box. Then every youth take names at random and the girl whose name out should be a partner for a year to have fun and be the object of entertainment. On February 15, they asked for protection from interference wolf god Lupercalia. During this ceremony, young people whipped up people with animal skins and women scramble to dilecut because of the assumption that crack would make them more fertile.

When Catholic Christianity became the state religion in Rome, the Roman rulers and religious leaders adopted the Roman Catholic ceremony and color it with shades of Christianity, among others, change the names of the girl with the names of the Pope or Pastor. Among the supporters was the Emperor Constantine and Pope Gregory I (The Encyclopedia Britannica, subtitles: Christianity). In order to get closer again to Christianity, in 496 AD Pope Gelasius I made this ancient Roman rite into Day Celebration Church by the name of Saint Valentine's Day in honor of St. Valentine who happened to die on February 14 (The World Book Encyclopedia 1998).
Linkages with Valentine's Valentine's Day

The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol. XV subtitles St. Valentine wrote that there are three names Valentine died on 14 February, one of them described as the dead in Roman times. However, there was never any explanation of who the "St. Valentine "is, also with a story that has never known the tip-base for each source tells a different story.

According to the first version, the Emperor Claudius II, ordered the arrest and imprisonment of St. Valentine as stated Lord is Jesus the Messiah and refused to worship the Roman gods. People who crave St.Valentine prayer and write a letter and put it in the prison bars.

The second version tells that the Emperor Claudius II considers single young soldiers more resilient and robust in the battlefield than married people. Last emperor forbade young men to marry, but St.Valentine break and secretly married many young so he also captured and hanged on February 14, 269 AD (The World Book Encyclopedia, 1998).

Another version tells that afternoon before St. Valentine will fall as a martyr (died as a hero for fighting for the trust), he wrote a small love statement he gave to the prison warden says "From Valentinusmu". (Source of the above discussion: http://id.wikipedia.org/ and others)

From the above we can draw the conclusion:

     Valentine's Day is derived from the ancient Roman religious ceremony filled with paganism and shirk.
     Ancient Roman ceremony at the top end of the church was changed into a day of celebration with the name of Saint Valentine's Day on the initiative of Pope Gelasius I. So valentine event into a religious ritual that changed his warning Nashrani be February 14, coinciding with the death of St. Valentine.
     Valentine's Day is also a day of tribute to figure Nashrani considered as fighters and defenders of love.
     In its development in modern times, the celebration of Valentine camouflaged with decorated name "day of love".

     It is ironic indeed the condition of Muslims today. Some people may already know the reality of history above. As if they close their eyes and stated one should not celebrate Valentine's Day is actually the forerunner of pagan ritual. Muslims rightly think, they should not celebrate the day after was clearly evident that the ritual Valentine is a non-Muslim rituals even stems from pagan rituals.

Next we will look at a variety of existing damage on Valentine's Day.
First Damage: Celebrating Valentine Means Mimicking-stereotyped HEATHEN

Islam has forbidden us imitate the disbelievers (read: tasyabbuh). The prohibition contained in various paragraphs, can also be found in some of the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, and this is also the consensus of the scholars (read: ijma'). This was mentioned by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in his book Iqtidho 'Ash Shiroth al Mustaqim (Ta'liq: Dr. Nasir bin' Abd al-Karim Al 'Aql, published Wizarotusy Syu'un Al Islamiyah).

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ordered that we menyelisihi Jews and Christians. He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

إن اليهود والنصارى لا يصبغون, فخالفوهم

"Indeed, Jews and Christians do not want to change gray hair, then selisihlah them." (HR. Bukhari no. 3462 and Muslim, no. 2103) This hadith shows us that menyelisihi Jews and Christians in general, and in between them is in the form menyelisihi gray matter. (Iqtidho ', 1/185)

In another hadith, the Prophet explains in general so that we do not imitate the disbelievers. He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم

"Whoever imitates a people, then he is included as part of them." (HR. Ahmad and Abu Dawud. Shaykh al-Islam in Iqtidho '[p. 1/269] said that this hadith sanad jayid / nice. Shaykh Al-Albani said that the hadith this shohih as represented in Irwa'ul Gholil no. 1269). It has been clear in advance that Valentine's Day is a celebration of paganism, and adopted into Nashrani religious rituals. Celebrate means has imitate them.
Damage Two: Attend Celebration HEATHEN not characteristic of the Faithful

God Almighty himself has characterized the nature of the believers. They are people who do not attend the ritual or celebration of the idolaters and this means Muslims should not celebrate other religious celebrations sort of valentine. Hopefully the following paragraph could be an afterthought for us all.

Allaah says,

والذين لا يشهدون الزور وإذا مروا باللغو مروا كراما

"And those who did not witness the act zur, and when they met with (people) who do deeds that are not useful, they've been through (only) to maintain the honor him." (QS. Al Furqan [25]: 72)

Ibn Jauziy in Zaadul granular say that there are 8 opinions on the meaning of the phrase "do not watch zur deed", the opinion that there is not contradictory because those opinions only convey various zur deeds. Among the opinion that there is to say that "not witnessed zur act" was not attend the celebration of the polytheists. This is what is said by Ar Robi 'ibn Anas.

Thus, the above verse is a compliment to those who do not attend the celebration of the polytheists. If you do not attend the celebration is an admirable thing, then this means doing the celebration is a very despicable act and including 'disgrace (See Iqtidho', 1/483). So, to celebrate Valentine's Day is not a characteristic of the believer because obviously these days is not a Muslim feast.
Damage Third: glorify the warrior Love Will Gather With him on the Day of Judgment Later

If the love of Allah and His Messenger, then he will get the following virtues.

From Anas bin Malik, he said that someone asked the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,

متى الساعة يا رسول الله

"When going on the Day of Resurrection, O Messenger of Allah?"

He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

ما أعددت لها

"What have you prepared to deal with it?"

The man replied,

ما أعددت لها من كثير صلاة ولا صوم ولا صدقة, ولكنى أحب الله ورسوله

"I'm not preparing to face the day with a lot of prayer, fasting and many many alms. But I prepare is the love of God and His Messenger. "

He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

أنت مع من أحببت

"(Then) you will be with the person you love." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)

In another report in Saheeh Bukhari, Anas said,

فما فرحنا بشىء فرحنا بقول النبى - صلى الله عليه وسلم - «أنت مع من أحببت». قال أنس فأنا أحب النبى - صلى الله عليه وسلم - وأبا بكر وعمر, وأرجو أن أكون معهم بحبى إياهم, وإن لم أعمل بمثل أعمالهم

"We is not never felt excited as our joy when he heard the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam: Anta ma'a man ahbabta (You will be shared with the people you love)."

Anas also said,

فأنا أحب النبى - صلى الله عليه وسلم - وأبا بكر وعمر, وأرجو أن أكون معهم بحبى إياهم, وإن لم أعمل بمثل أعمالهم

"Then I love the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, Abu Bakr and' Umar. I wish I could be with them because of my love for them, although I can not do good as their deeds. "

Compare, what if that is loved and adored is a figure that Christians can be considered as defenders and fighters love when the king forbids marrying the youth. Valentine was a hero and a fighter when it. Look at the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam above: "Then you are with the person you love". If you are a Muslim, which one you choose, gathered together people together leaders or pious Christians can obviously pagan?

Who wants to be collected on the day of Judgment together with unbelievers [?] May be food for thought for you, O Valentine admirers!
Fourth damage: Greeting Affects fall into shirk and Maksiat

"Valentine" is actually derived from the Latin word meaning: "The Mighty, the All-Powerful and Almighty". This word is addressed to Nimrod and Lupercus, god of the Romans. (From various sources)

Therefore, consciously or not, if we ask people to be "To be my valentine (Be valentineku)", means the same as we are asking people to be "the Almighty". Obviously this offense is great shirk, equating creature with the Creator, turn the culture of worship to idols.

We have also pointed out at the outset that Valentine's Day is a celebration clearly Nashrani, even originally was a ritual paganism. Therefore, congratulates the day of love or congratulations in other pagan feast is something that is forbidden by the consensus of the scholars (read: ijma 'of the Muslims), as it was stated by Ibn Qoyyim rahimahullah in his book Ahkamu Ahlidz dhimma (1 / 441, Ash Syamilah). He rahimahullah said, "As for congratulating on syi'ar-syi'ar infidelity special for unbelievers (like congratulate merry christmas or valentine, pen) is something that is forbidden by ijma '(agreement) of the Muslims. An example is congratulated at the feast and fasting they like to say, 'I hope today is the day that bless you', or to be congratulated on their big day and the like. If it's people who say it can survive infidelity, but he will not get away from things that are forbidden. Holiday greeting like this on them the same as we congratulate him on his prostration which they did on the cross, even act like this is a great sin in the sight of Allah. Such congratulatory more hated by God than someone congratulated the people who drink, kill the soul, fornicate, or congratulations on other sinners. "
Damage Fifth: Being Day Valentines Day spirit fornicate

Valentine's Day celebration at the present time shift. If in Roman times, is closely related to the world of the gods and mythology astray, then in the Christian era as part of the celebration of religious symbols, then at this present time is identical to the promiscuity of young people. Starting from the simplest such as parties, dating, exchanging gifts until penghalalan legally practice adultery. All in the name of the spirit of love.

In the spirit of Valentine's day, there was a belief that doing immoral and religious prohibitions such as dating, join hands, hugging, kissing, and even sexual relations outside of marriage among fellow teenagers be allowed. The reason is, all it is an expression of affection. Na'udzu billah dzalik min.

Though approaching adultery forbidden, let alone do it. Allaah says,

ولا تقربوا الزنا إنه كان فاحشة وساء سبيلا

"And come not nigh to fornication; adultery actually it is a heinous act. And an evil way. "(QS. Al Isro '[17]: 32)

In Jalalain said that the prohibition in this paragraph louder than words 'Do not do it'. This means that if we approach adultery should not be, let alone to do adultery, obviously more restricted.
Damage Sixth: Imitating Deeds of Satan

Ahead of Valentine's Day-lah wide variety of chocolate, flowers, gifts, gifts and souvenirs sells. How much money are wasted when it is. When in fact the property is still able to be spent for other purposes that are more useful or could even wherewithal to people in need in order to be fruitful reward. However, lust other wills. Satanic more than happy to follow than other things. That waste is done when it may be billions of dollars spent when it is the entire population of Indonesia, just to celebrate Valentine's Day. Do not they pay attention to the word of God,

ولا تبذر تبذيرا إن المبذرين كانوا إخوان الشياطين

"And do not squander (your wealth) is wasteful. Indeed spender-wasters that are brothers of Satan. "(QS. Al Isro '[17]: 26-27). The point is that they resemble the devil in this regard. Ibn Mas'ud and Ibn 'Abbas said, "Tabdzir (waste) is menginfakkan something in the wrong way." (See Tafseer Al Quran Al' Azhim)

That portion of the damage on Valentine's Day, from paganism, shirk, rituals Nashrani, adultery and extravagance. Actually, the love and affection that exalted in that day is something that is apparent that would deprave and religious norms. Note also that Valentine's Day is not only denied by Islamic leaders but also by other religions. As the news we get from the internet that Valentine's Day was also denied in India are predominantly Hindu. The reason is, because Valentine's Day can be destructive to the values and norms of social life. We say: "Only those who closed his heart and deify passions are reluctant to accept the truth."

Therefore, we remind that the Muslims did not join in celebrating Valentine's Day, should not congratulate Valentine's Day, nor should help enliven the event by buying and selling, send cards, prints, and sponsoring the event because it includes helping in sin and disobedience. Remember, each person should be afraid of the wrath of God Almighty. Hopefully this article can be spread to other Muslims who do not know. May God give taufik and guidance to us all.

Alhamdulillahilladzi bi ni'matihi tatimmush sholihaat. Shollallahu wa 'ala Muhammad wa Alihi' ala alihi shohbihi wa wa sallam.

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