Reasons Why Girls Japanese-Thin Thin

Many of my friends in Indonesia are asking, "I wonder why the Japanese girls really mostly on lean so?" They assume as it seems because most of them saw Japanese women in movies drama course. If it does emang yes ... obviously lean and pretty-pretty, if not so where behavior movie to watch. It seems at this time to have a thin body and super slim enough thinner so the trend among Japanese women. A trend that seems not only in Japan, but throughout the globalized world. There is an assumption that women were better thin and beautiful in appearance compared with obese women.
So mengglobalnya this skinny trend, until there is in one of the Japanese drama titled "Girl Akane Teppan" in one episode tells the story of the race holding the skinny woman who was held in one of the high school. Participants are required to meet several criteria to be able to win the race. Among them should be through a hole in the form of the letter "O" is only 40 cm in diameter. Then their weight must not exceed 43 kg. To follow and try to win the race, eventually many Japanese teens who are trying desperately to have a diet. Until some even do not eat during the day in order to reduce their weight.
My friend above assumption was about the percentage of Japanese women are more thin than fat which is not entirely wrong. But that does not mean there are not too fat, or a small amount of the fat. Although it during my stay in Japan, it seems rarely see a fat Japanese woman, although she was a teenager or have become parents.
Based on the latest statistics issued by the International team on the problem of obesity in developed countries, it did show that Japan is the country with the lowest level (only 3%). While the highest is the United States by 34%. Moreover, in the data it is also mentioned that the average age of Japanese women belonging to the highest reaches the age of 85%.
This seems to be interesting if we cover. First, if we look from the level of the Japanese people's love for food, with a low obesity presentation was very surprising. So that we can figure out the secret may exist in the number of calories of food and beverages they consume little unusual. Japanese people are generally not too concerned with the taste of a variety of spices mix, but they prefer the freshness of the food. Culture and traditions of Japan pushed to appreciate the 'freshness that Most Important', therefore the Japanese women are happy to buy a lot of fish, vegetables, and fruits like. While red meat, confectionery, biscuits, snack foods and ingredients purchased less. So, if my friends eat authentic Japanese food (in the sense of not converted into Indonesian taste like the ones sold in the Hoka-Hoka Bento or Japanese food eateries in Indonesia), friends will not find a diverse taste in there . Generally we will only feel the salty and sweet flavors are dominant, and sometimes even bland and there is no sense in addition to the original flavor of the food raw materials.
One example I have ever tasted alone on calorie control culture usual Japanese people is when I eat in the school cafeteria. Cafeteria at my college provides a wide range of food and beverage menus are balanced. That being unique is, it turns on each article of food or drink roster was written list of calories per gram in each of these foods. So this allows us to calculate how many calories you will or already we consume.
Then, if we look at the pattern of architecture of the houses in Japan, generally the size of the kitchen was nothing great. Try to compare with the size of the kitchen houses in Europe or America, generally to take a very broad space. Use of kitchen space by the Japanese minimalist This may affect the frequency and amount of food stored in the kitchen. Because they do not have a wide enough space, so generally the frequency them to buy fresh vegetables more frequently. Conversely, if in the US and Europe, its people are happy to buy groceries once a week and then stored in a refrigerator.
The second reason that may encourage Japanese women have a slim body is a sort of expression of Japanese society known as "eat rice should be eaten eight grains to the full". The intent of this expression is should not eat up too full. In addition, the weight of different foodstuffs from the western and eastern regions is also one of the important reasons.
If we look at the western diet, the weight of food they like to consume, from year to year, is gradually increasing. So that is what ultimately led to obesity rates in western countries is higher. Meanwhile, if in Japan, its people do things better. The Japanese daily average of 2700 calories to absorb, but the average American absorbs 3700 calories per day, the difference between the two 1000 calories. "
Japanese diet looks like it has been influenced by the attitude and way of Zen in China's State of the groceries, "Selecting the most fresh ingredients, cooked with heart spirit." When eating rice do not devour greedily, when enjoying a delicious meal, still have to learn how to appreciate the beauty. Beautiful appearance is the source of life of Japanese cooking.


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